[01:24.25]你呢? What about you? [01:25.78]我做运输生意 Im in transport. [01:27.31]大部份是国际空运 International air freight6, mostly. [01:29.58]生意很好吧 Business is good. [01:32.71]你是哪儿人? Wherere you fr...
[00:35.18]就那儿,别动 Right there. Hold it there. [00:37.31]我的天啊! Oh, my God! [00:42.41]为了让她相信我的财富 使我几乎破产 I nearly went broke trying to convince her I was anything but. [00:47.38]我不信她...
[04:56.85]就我来说 The way I look at it, [04:58.08]名字不重要 whats in a name? [04:59.68]有短一点的名字吗? Have you got a shorter name? [00:01.01]至少原来是这么安排的 At least, that was the plan. [00:02.81]摄影师...
[04:09.78]武器禁运法根本无法执行 an arms embargo12 should be practically impossible to enforce. [04:14.52]什么? What? [04:16.28]妈的,慢慢讲! Okay, just slow the fuck down. [04:19.28]我不知道你在说什么 I cant...
[03:09.18]我还有6个手提箱 I also packed six different briefcases9... [03:11.45]用于不同的地区 ...depending on who I was that day [03:13.38]和不同的身份 and the region of the world I was visiting. [03:16.28](哥伦比亚,...
[01:44.78]奥洛夫先生,希望你 不是打算要卖这个东西 I hope youre not thinking of selling these, Mr. Orlov. [01:47.05]是...个人用的 Personal use. [01:48.58]个人用的? Personal use. [01:49.58]这里有10万发子弹...
[00:16.92]需要钱来进行他私人的战争 needed to raise money for their own private wars. [00:19.82]很高兴认识你 Good to make your acquaintance. [00:22.12]维(塔利),这点钱算个屁 This is bullshit money, [00:24.28]还不够...
[04:24.12]黎巴嫩开始有自杀式人肉弹后 I got my first break in Lebanon [04:25.78]我的生意终于有了突破 after the suicide bombing. [04:30.12]但我并不是唯一在当地赚到钱的人 But I wasnt the only local kid mak...
[03:04.68]没关系,他们只是谈一谈 Its okay, theyre talking. [03:06.92]我可以帮助你吗? May I help? [03:08.28]布莱顿滩进出口公司的伊莱克兹曼 A mutual7 friend, Eli Kurtzman [03:10.08]您我都认识的 from Br...
[01:35.02]咱们一生无所事事 Were doing nothing with our lives. [01:39.05]我的意思是,现在的生活是一团糟! I mean, this is shit! [01:42.52]一团糟! This is shit! [01:44.68]的确 Its true. [01:47.62]但或许什么也...