[04:46.42]是吓我自己 No, it’s to scare me.
[04:48.38]随时提醒我内心中的恶犬 Remind me to be aware of the dog in me.
[04:51.25]它想袭击其他动物 The dog wants to fuck everything that moves
[04:53.25]和击杀弱小同类的狗 Wants to fight and kill weaker dogs.
[04:55.65]提醒自己要像个人 I guess it’s to remind me to be more human.
[04:58.55]做条狗和做个人不是一个概念么? Isn’t being a dog part of being human?
[00:01.62]也许你生来就是一条狗呢? What if that’s the best part of you? The dog part.
[00:05.52]其实我们就是两条腿的狗 What if you’re really just a two-legged dog?
[00:10.18]你得去看心理医生了 You need to see somebody.
[00:12.25]这里臭死了 Stinks1 in here.
[00:14.42]我总想在有生之年做件大事 I’d always wanted to do something big with my life
[00:17.08]只是不知道要做什么 I just didn’t know what.
[00:19.22]但我意识到 Anyhow, I figured,
[00:20.45]如果我真要去卖枪 if I was going into the gun trade,
[00:22.32]就得干大买卖 I was going aim high.
[00:24.15]维塔利,别鬼混了 Vitaly, stop fucking around.
[00:25.45]我要和你谈谈 I want to talk to you.
[00:30.88]你每天看报纸吗? You read the newspapers, Vit?
[00:33.08]报纸?每天都一样 Newspaper? It’s always the same.
[00:36.25]没错 You’re right.
[00:37.62]每天都有人在枪战 Every day there’s people shooting each other.
[00:39.72]当我看到这种报道时 你猜我会干嘛? You know what I do when I see that?