[01:24.25]你呢? What about you?
[01:25.78]我做运输生意 I’m in transport.
[01:27.31]大部份是国际空运 International air freight6, mostly.
[01:29.58]生意很好吧 Business is good.
[01:32.71]你是哪儿人? Where’re you from?
[01:34.11]我生在乌克兰,在纽约布鲁克林长大 I was born in Ukraine, but I grew up in Brooklyn.
[01:36.41]不会吧! No.
[01:37.31]怎么了?你也是? What, you too?
[01:38.35](乌克兰)威廉堡 Williamsburg.
[01:43.85]那...敬飓风一杯 Here’s to a hurricane.
[01:46.55]如果没它,我就不会认识你 Without it, I never would have met you.
[01:50.15]这可不是巧合,尤里 This is no accident, is it, Yuri?
[01:57.05]这是命运的安排 It feels like fate.
[01:59.75]我不信命运 I don’t believe in fate.
[02:02.85]那你信什么? What do you believe in?
[02:46.55]风景漂亮,还是你漂亮? Is that a view, or is that a view?
[02:48.45]是风景啦 That’s a view.
[03:01.11]谢谢...谢谢大家 Thank you. Thank you all.
[03:07.38]恭喜你 Congratulations.
[03:08.58]恭喜你 Congratulations.
[03:09.61]谢谢 Thanks.
[03:12.91]别忘了,儿子 Always remember, son...
[03:14.88]总是会有些东西是在你之上的 There is something above you.
[03:16.41]会的,爸爸 Sure, Dad.