


时间:2016-03-28 12:11来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:59.31]他们就在那里! Yuri, theyre right there! [03:00.98]如果我们这么做,他们会怎样对我们? What do you think theyll do to us [03:02.21]他们会杀了我们 if we back out? Theyll kill us. [03:04.51]但是我们继续
  •   [02:59.31]他们就在那里! Yuri, they’re right there!
      [03:00.98]如果我们这么做,他们会怎样对我们? What do you think they’ll do to us
      [03:02.21]他们会杀了我们 if we back out? They’ll kill us.
      [03:04.51]但是我们继续干下去 你知道他们会怎样对这些人吗? And if we go ahead, what do you think they’ll do to them?
      [03:11.88]我们要做些事帮助他们 We’ve got to do something.
      [03:14.54]求你了,看在上帝的份上 Please, for fuck’s sake.
      [03:16.41]这不是我们的战争 It’s not our fight.
      [03:17.78]求你了,兄弟心连心 Please. Brothers in arms.
      [03:22.04]他在说什么? What is he saying?
      [03:24.04]是交易 It’s the deal.
      [03:25.88]我的弟弟对交易的一些细节不满 My brother’s not happy with the terms.
      [03:27.28]我们在讨论这个问题,没事的 We’ll work it out. It’s nothing.
      [03:37.88]对不对,没事的 Right? It’s nothing.
      [03:46.28]没事的 Yeah. Nothing.
      [03:51.21]尤里,你说的没错 You’re right. Yuri, you’re right.
      [03:54.34]上帝啊,我脑子一定出问题了 God, I’ve got to get my shit together.
      [03:57.94]这不是我们的战争 This is not our fight.
      [03:59.74]没错 Right.
      [04:00.98]交易内容是什么来着? Okay. What’s the deal?
      [04:02.68]300支肩抗式火箭筒 500支步枪,800枚手榴弹 300 RPGs, 500 assault5 rifles and 800 grenades.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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