[01:44.78]奥洛夫先生,希望你 不是打算要卖这个东西 I hope you’re not thinking of selling these, Mr. Orlov.
[01:47.05]是...个人用的 Personal use.
[01:48.58]个人用的? Personal use.
[01:49.58]这里有10万发子弹 There’s a hundred thousand bullets here.
[01:51.55]我比较喜欢打枪 I’m kind of trigger happy.
[01:53.48]喜欢打枪? Trigger happy?
[02:00.58]我还把军火运到阿富汗 I even shipped cargo5 to Afghanistan
[02:02.58]尽管他们在打我的苏联盟军 when they were still fighting my fellow Soviets6.
[02:05.58]我从来没卖给本·拉登 I never sold to Osama Bin7 Laden8.
[02:07.78]不是因为道德问题 Not on any moral grounds.
[02:09.25]而是那时他的支票总是跳票 Back then, he was always bouncing checks.
[02:21.58]80年代中期 By the mid-’80s...
[02:22.55]我的武器 my weapons were represented in eight...
[02:24.45]被用在世界前10名的战区中的8个 ...of the world’s top ten war zones.
[02:56.02]有双重身份的生活不是什么问题 There’s no problem leading a double life.
[02:58.15]但三重、四重身份 It’s the triple and quadruple lives
[02:59.75]最终才会出问题 that get you in the end.
[03:01.25]那时我带着法国、英国 Back then, I carried a... French, British, Israeli,
[03:04.08]以色列、和乌克兰的护照 and Ukrainian passport...
[03:05.42]还有美国的学生签证 ...and a student visa for the U.S.,
[03:07.22]但那是另一个故事啦 but... that’s another story.