[04:20.41]乌克兰不是唯一一个 And Ukraine wasnt the only former state... [04:22.75]拥有没有工资的军队和很多军火的国家 with an unpaid11 army and stockpiles of guns. [04:26.05]这里还有保加利亚,匈牙利 波兰...
[03:02.78]你如果不卖武器 Of course, youre not a true internationalist... [03:04.51]去打击自己的国家 ...until youve supplied weapons [03:05.98]你就算不上是个国际军火贩 to kill your own countrymen. [03:09.95]现今这...
[01:31.05]请通报指挥官 Inform your commanding officer [01:32.41]席米恩怀斯求见 that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him. [01:37.88]你不认识我吧? You dont know who I am, do you? [01:39.75]我管你是哪棵葱! I dont giv...
[00:27.31]迫击炮,地雷 Mortars4, mines, [00:28.51]人员运输车 armored personnel carriers. [00:30.35]整个部队的坦克 Whole tank divisions. [00:32.51]这样吧 Ill tell you what Ill do. [00:33.88]买六送一 Buy six, you get...
[04:31.48]苏联有从地狱弄来的枪 The Soviets9 had guns [04:32.48]堆得比山高 coming out of the demon10 hole. [04:34.15]现在却没有敌人 Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy. [04:38.38]总共多少支枪? How many Kalashnikov...
[03:30.78]首先,起码他是我家人 For a start, he was family. [03:32.98]他是红军极力吹捧的英雄 He was a highly decorated hero of the Red Army, [03:35.45]现在却弄得脸上无光 and he was almost permanently5 shit-faced...
[02:20.25]我想念奥德萨 I miss Odessa. [02:31.05]我想你 I miss you. [02:32.25]我也想你 I miss you. [02:36.48]小心啊,尤里 你卖的东西是可以杀人的 Be careful, Yuri. Those things you sell kill. [02:41.91]你的心...
[00:32.45]妈的,冷战,苏联,邪恶帝国 The Cold-fucking-War! The Soviet-fucking Union [00:34.81]他说结束了 The Evil fucking-Empire! Mikhails saying no mas. [00:37.31]一切都结束了! Hes throwing in the towel. [00:38.25...
[04:37.38]谢谢你给我 Brother, thank you so much... [04:38.68]这么漂亮的嫂子 for giving me such a beautiful sister. [04:41.68]出了戒毒所,他乐疯了 He was out of rehab, and out of his mind. [04:44.41]跳舞,跳舞,跳舞...
[03:17.75]四万元的水晶吊灯嘛 A forty-thousand-dollar crystal chandelier. [03:22.95]别拘束,随处转转 Make yourselves at home. Go! [03:26.18]走啊! Go! [03:41.48]对不起,你一定很难过 Im sorry. Today must be tough....