[00:32.45]妈的,冷战,苏联,邪恶帝国 The Cold-fucking-War! The Soviet-fucking Union
[00:34.81]他说结束了 The Evil fucking-Empire! Mikhail’s saying no mas.
[00:37.31]一切都结束了! He’s throwing in the towel.
[00:38.25]都完了! It’s over!
[00:43.35]你儿子会走路了 Your son is walking.
[00:44.91]真棒,甜心 That’s incredible, honey.
[00:52.05]起码他会给宗教自由 At least they’ll get religious freedom.
[00:54.78]希望如此 Let’s hope so.
[00:57.28]我想回去看看 I think I’ll go back for a visit.
[00:59.85]你和狄米奇叔叔还有连络吗? Do you stay in touch with Uncle Dmitri?
[01:05.75]我不是傻瓜,尤里 I’m not a fool, Yuri.
[01:09.45]我不信你回去,是要卖百事可乐 I don’t think you’re going to Odessa to sell Pepsi-Cola.
[01:16.68]这是你希望被后人纪念的方式吗? Is this how you want to be remembered?
[01:20.65]我根本不希望留名青史 I don’t want to be remembered at all.
[01:22.65]如果是那样,就表示我已经死了 I’m being remembered, it means I’m dead.
[01:26.58]圣诞快乐 Merry-fucking-Christmas!
[01:30.01]维塔利,这是谁? Who is this, Vitaly?
[01:31.85]我叫天使 I’m Angel.
[01:32.71]她真的是天使 Her name really is Angel.
[01:36.08]她真是 She’s a fairy.
[01:40.15]让我把她放在圣诞树顶 Let’s put her on top of the Christmas tree.
[01:43.01]来 Come on
[01:49.18]我爱你 I love you.
[01:50.65]来 Come on.
[01:51.58]我爱你们 I love you all.
[01:55.45]拿着 Take this.
[02:14.75]我要回乌克兰 I’m going back to Ukraine.