[04:37.38]谢谢你给我 Brother, thank you so much...
[04:38.68]这么漂亮的嫂子 for giving me such a beautiful sister.
[04:41.68]出了戒毒所,他乐疯了 He was out of rehab, and out of his mind.
[04:44.41]跳舞,跳舞,跳舞! Dance! Dance! We have to dance!
[04:46.41]得好好庆祝婚礼! All right, all right It’s a wedding, a celebration
[04:48.38]敬尤里! To Yuri!
[04:49.01]有一次,他救了我一命 For once, he rescued me.
[04:51.75](纽约,12月25日,1991) New York - December 25, 1991
[04:54.98]我依旧超支度日 I was still living way beyond my means.
[04:57.05]房贷超高 以信用卡养信用卡 Mortgaged7 to the hilt, using one credit card to pay another.
[05:00.75]我以前宠惯了她 Anything to keep Ava in the style to
[00:02.38]现在只好拼命想办法 which she had thanks largely to me
[00:04.88]才能维持她以往的生活水平 become accustomed.
[00:06.05]艾娃 Ava
[00:07.35]艾娃,这太贵重了 Ava, this is too much.
[00:09.11]尤里很宠爱你的 Yuri likes to spoil you.
[00:10.65]突然间 Then suddenly,
[00:11.51]我所有的圣诞礼物都一起来了 all my Christmases came at once.
[00:13.45]尼奇,你会走啦!好孩子! Nicki, you did it! Good boy!
[00:16.78]这才像我孙子! That’s my grandson!
[00:18.55]尤里,快来看你儿子在干嘛 Yuri, don’t you want to see what your son is doing?
[00:20.85]说施比受更有福的人 Whoever said it’s better to give than receive...
[00:23.08]一定没收过 ...never got a Christmas present like the one I got...
[00:25.51]像1991年戈巴契夫给我这样的礼物 in 1991 from Mikhail Gorbachev.
[00:28.61]到底怎么啦? What the hell’s the matter?
[00:29.85]结束啦!结束啦! It’s over!
[00:31.68]什么结束啦? What’s over?