


时间:2016-03-17 12:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:27.31]迫击炮,地雷 Mortars4, mines, [00:28.51]人员运输车 armored personnel carriers. [00:30.35]整个部队的坦克 Whole tank divisions. [00:32.51]这样吧 Ill tell you what Ill do. [00:33.88]买六送一 Buy six, you get
  •   [00:27.31]迫击炮,地雷 Mortars4, mines,
      [00:28.51]人员运输车 armored personnel carriers.
      [00:30.35]整个部队的坦克 Whole tank divisions.
      [00:32.51]这样吧 I’ll tell you what I’ll do.
      [00:33.88]买六送一 Buy six, you get one free.
      [00:37.28]我甚至还遇到一批 攻击直升机的火炮手 I even landed a squadron of helicopter gunships.
      [00:53.15]最精准的火炮 The most sophisticated fighting machines...
      [00:55.68]为对付美国而造的 但战争却从未发生 built for a war with America that never happened.
      [00:58.68]小伙子,快下来吧 免得弄伤自己咯 Son, get off there before you get hurt.
      [01:01.81]我闭着眼睛都能把它拆了 I can take it apart with my eyes closed.
      [01:04.31]他们得感谢我 Thanks to me,
      [01:05.25]终于有了 发炮的机会来发泄愤怒 they’d finally get to fire a shot in anger.
      [01:15.95]我有种感觉 I have a feeling it wasn’t exactly
      [01:17.81]这大概不是列宁 what Comrade Lenin had in mind
      [01:19.78]当年所倡导的财产重新分配 when he advocated the redistribution of wealth.
      [01:23.31]但我不是唯一的 But I wasn’t the only one
      [01:24.48]提供他们资本主义速成课程的人 offering a crash course in capitalism5.
      [01:28.91]我有竞争对手 I had rivals.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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