[01:31.05]请通报指挥官 Inform your commanding officer
[01:32.41]席米恩·怀斯求见 that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him.
[01:37.88]你不认识我吧? You don’t know who I am, do you?
[01:39.75]我管你是哪棵葱! I don’t give a fuck who you are.
[01:51.88]你迟到了 You’re late.
[01:54.25]似乎是 So it appears.
[02:08.58]谢谢 Thank you.
[02:10.18]不客气 My pleasure.
[02:11.85]你是卖枪的? You sell guns?
[02:14.85]或许你可以来我房间 Maybe you’d like to come to my room
[02:16.95]我让你瞧瞧我的...“火炮” and I’ll show you my... cannon6.
[02:25.68]看上去你似乎摸不着门路 You look a little lost, Simeon.
[02:27.21]是世界改变得太快了吗? Is the world changing too fast?
[02:29.51]我这不是找来了吗? I’m here, aren’t I?
[02:31.15]不全然 Not all of you, I think.
[02:32.81]你替中情局贩卖军火赚了大钱 You’ve gotten so rich selling for the CIA
[02:35.28]但你似乎还无法 you can’t seem to get that ideology7
[02:37.01]放下身段 completely out of your head.
[02:38.58]冷战时我不得不如此 Oh, the Cold War had its uses.
[02:41.71]得首先考虑双方紧张的关系 Kept the tensions frozen.
[02:44.71]现在很难取舍 Now it’s harder to determine
[02:47.01]该站在哪一方 which side one’s on.
[02:48.51]事情变得比较复杂了 Things have become more complicated.
[02:50.51]不,是变简单了 No, it’s gotten simpler.
[02:52.75]政治考量已经不存在于军火业了 There’s no place in gunrunning for politics anymore,
[02:56.05]我卖给左翼,也卖给右翼 I sell to leftists and rightists.
[02:58.58]甚至和平主义者 I sell to pacifists,
[02:59.78]不过他们不是常客啦 but they’re not the most regular of customers.