


时间:2016-03-17 12:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:31.48]苏联有从地狱弄来的枪 The Soviets9 had guns [04:32.48]堆得比山高 coming out of the demon10 hole. [04:34.15]现在却没有敌人 Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy. [04:38.38]总共多少支枪? How many Kalashnikov
  •   [04:31.48]苏联有从地狱弄来的枪 The Soviets9 had guns
      [04:32.48]堆得比山高 coming out of the demon10 hole.
      [04:34.15]现在却没有敌人 Huge stockpiles, and now no enemy.
      [04:38.38]总共多少支枪? How many Kalashnikovs do you have?
      [04:42.95]四万 Forty thousand.
      [04:45.25]有四万? Is that a four?
      [04:47.01]我觉得不到四万 It doesn’t look like a four to me.
      [04:48.55]看起来只有一万 It’s more like a one.
      [04:50.98]的确有四万 No, it’s a four.
      [04:52.28]我们说多少就是多少 It’s whatever we say it is.
      [04:53.68]谁也不知道有差 Because no one else will know the difference?
      [04:58.85]一个营才有一万支枪 Ten thousand Kalashnikovs for a Your stocks are battalion
      [00:03.05]你的库存少得危险 Your stocks are dangerously depleted1, Dmitri.
      [00:05.88]你该去向工厂订货了 You should order more from the factory.
      [00:08.85]有人会追查的 Someone will work it out.
      [00:12.18]那时怎么办? What happens then?
      [00:13.75]把他也拉进来 We’ll cut them in.
      [00:18.11]冷战结束时 The end of the Cold War
      [00:19.25]却是军火交易最热络的时候 was the beginning of the hottest time in arms dealing2.
      [00:22.18]军火市场开了大门 The arms bazaar3 was open.
      [00:24.98]导弹,非导弹 Guided missiles, unguided missiles.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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