[00:23.41]有一点我确定 One thing’s for sure
[00:24.78]没有人想排队去买他们的车 no one was lining2 up to buy their cars.
[00:42.11]他娘的什么文件 What fucking documents?
[00:48.88]听我说,中尉 You listen to me, Lieutenant3.
[00:51.25]把他们留在那里,越长越好 You keep them there. For as long as you can!
[00:53.71]战斗到死 Fight You listen to me, Lieutenant.
[00:55.48]莫斯科支持我们 To the death! Moscow is behind us!
[00:56.95]这是我的命令 It’s an order!
[00:58.28]我以为你应该躲着这些人 I thought you supposed watching out for these people.
[01:00.31]我怎么躲 How can I?
[01:01.91]你不停卖我的直升机 You keep selling my helicopters.
[01:03.78]你太贪钱了,尤里 You are too greedy, Yuri!
[01:05.68]我不能永远的挡住他 I can’t hold him forever.
[01:07.75]我有许可书 I’ve got paperwork.
[01:08.98]对战斗直升机无效 Not for the gunships.
[01:10.75]你知道 You know the penalty for
[01:12.08]如果我们被抓了 sanction-busting.
[01:13.35]卖军用直升机可是一项重罪 Selling the military helicopter is a major violation5.
[01:16.61]军用直升机 Military helicopter.
[01:22.38]这不是一架军用直升机 It’s not a military helicopter.