[04:20.41]乌克兰不是唯一一个 And Ukraine wasn’t the only former state...
[04:22.75]拥有没有工资的军队和很多军火的国家 with an unpaid11 army and stockpiles of guns.
[04:26.05]这里还有保加利亚,匈牙利 波兰,巴拉如斯 There was Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Belarus...
[04:30.88]他们全都是 all there for the taking.
[04:37.01]在苏联兵工厂里的所有武器中 Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet12 arsenal13...
[04:39.98]没有一种 nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova,
[04:43.51]像AK47 model of 1947,
[04:45.35]或者叫卡拉希尼可夫赚钱 more commonly known as the AK-47... or kalashnikov.
[04:49.65]它是世界上最流行的冲锋枪 It’s the world’s most popular assault rifle
[04:52.55]战士最喜爱的武器 a weapon all fighters love.
[04:54.68]由9磅金属 An elegantly simple nine-pound
[04:56.25]和4英尺长木头制成 amalgamation14 of forged steel and plywood.
[04:59.08]它不会坏,卡壳,或者过热 It doesn’t break, jam, or overheat.
[00:01.88]就算它被泥土或者沙子覆盖 It will shoot whether it’s covered in mud
[00:03.65]它还是可以正常的开火 or filled with sand.
[00:05.25]它的使用非常简单 就算一个小孩都可以使用它 It’s so easy, even a child can use it
[00:07.91]而且他们的确在使用它 and they do.
[00:08.98]苏联把枪放到他们的钱币上 The Soviets1 put the gun on a coin.
[00:11.01]莫桑比克把枪的图案放在国旗上 Mozambique put it on their flag.
[00:13.55]自从冷战结束后 Since the end of the Cold War,
[00:14.98]卡拉希尼可夫(AK47) the Kalashnikov has become the...
[00:16.28]成为了苏联主要的出口货物 ...Russian people’s greatest export.
[00:18.81]接着是伏特加酒,鱼子酱 After that comes vodka, caviar,
[00:20.85]和有自杀倾向的诗人 and suicidal novelists.