


时间:2016-03-06 17:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:44.32]只是我从没亲眼见过 but Id never seen it with my own eyes. [01:46.82]每次我总是早五分钟 I had this knack4 of showing up five minutes before something went down, [01:49.88]或晚五分钟 or five minutes after. [01
  •   [01:44.32]只是我从没亲眼见过 but I’d never seen it with my own eyes.
      [01:46.82]每次我总是早五分钟 I had this knack4 of showing up five minutes before something went down,
      [01:49.88]或晚五分钟 or five minutes after.
      [01:51.88]但那天不一样 Not that day.
      [02:17.62]这一枪打醒了我 It hit me.
      [02:18.88]枪打中他们带给我更大的震撼 It couldn’t have hit me harder
      [02:20.02]就像打在我身上一样 if I was the one who’d been shot.
      [02:22.42]你开饭馆 You go into the restaurant business...
      [02:24.02]是因为人总是要吃饭 because people are always going to have to eat.
      [02:27.48]就是那天,我意识到我的命运 That was the day I realized my destiny...
      [02:29.42]是为了提供人们的另一种生活必需品 ...lay in fulfilling another basic human need.
      [02:35.88]下个安息日,我和父亲一起去教堂 The next Sabbath, I went to temple with my father.
      [02:39.02]然而上帝并不是我想要接近的 However, it wasn’t God I was trying to get close to.
      [02:42.28]我的长子,尤里 Eli, my eldest5 son, Yuri.
      [02:44.58]在那儿我认识了第一把 My contact at synagogue landed me
      [02:46.52]以色列制的乌兹冲锋枪 my first Israeli-made Uzi submachine guns.
      [02:54.15]第一次卖枪的感觉 The first time you sell a gun...
      [02:55.28]很大程度上就象第一次做爱一样 is a lot like the first time you have sex.
      [02:57.88]你根本不知道自己在干嘛 You have absolutely no idea what you’re doing.
      [03:00.22]虽然很刺激 But it is exciting and one way or another,
      [03:02.98]但很快就结束了 it’s over way too fast.
      [03:07.52]先生们 Gentlemen.
      [03:09.32]新型乌兹自动手枪 The new Uzi machine pistol.
      [03:11.58]体积虽小,但火力强大 Big firepower in a small package.
      [03:13.35]这宝贝用的是九毫米凹头子弹 This little baby uses 9 mm hollow points.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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