[04:15.31]和象牙海岸 or the lvory Coast at least once a week.
[04:18.05]大部分时间我使用假证件 Most trips I had phony paperwork.
[04:20.54]如果赶时间 The deadline was tight
[04:21.64]我就只有冒险 and I had to cut corners,
[04:22.98]干脆简单到连证件也省了 I had no paperwork at all.
[04:27.41]我也不担心 But I wasn’t overly concerned.
[04:29.25]非洲大部份地区没有雷达 There was hardly any radar6 over most of Africa
[04:31.54]雷达观测员就更少了 and even fewer people to watch it.
[04:40.81]转降卡巴拉机场 Charlie Echo India, C-E-I... re-route to Kabala airport...
[04:42.64]029方向 ...on heading zero-two nine.
[04:44.78]立刻遵照指示行动 Comply immediately.
[04:46.54]尤里,妈的,怎么回事? Yuri, what the fuck is going on?
[05:00.01]撒登中校,我是尤里 Hello, Southern? It’s Yuri.
[00:01.41]抱歉打你这个号码 I Sorry to call you on this number.
[00:02.58]国际警察缠上我了 But I’ve got Interpol’s all over my ass1.
[00:04.44]我现在不能讲话... I can’t know you right now.
[00:06.05]时机不对 It’s uh, not a good time.
[00:10.11]时机不对!? Not a good time?
[00:15.11]操! Motherfucker!
[00:20.61]C-E-I,立刻遵照指示行动 Charlie, Echo, India, comply immediately.
[00:23.48]这是最后的警告 This is your last warning.
[00:25.11]妈的,何时第一次警告? Where was the first fucking warning?
[00:26.38]如果愿意遵守就摇动机翼 Rock your wings if you intend to comply
[00:28.38]我要下降 I’m putting us down.
[00:34.95]降落我一定会被抓 If you land, we’re going away.
[00:36.38]我没证件 I don’t have paperwork.
[00:37.41]我们就快要爆炸了! We’re in a flying fucking bomb!
[00:38.68]他们向我们开火了 They’re firing bullets at our bullets.