[02:15.51]我不会住在那里 I will not live in Brentwood.
[02:19.18]2楼 Second floor.
[02:25.48]在全球艾滋病最流行的地方 In the most AIDS-infested region of the globe...
[02:28.21]4人中就有1人感染 where one in four is infected...
[02:30.41]安德烈和我开玩笑的方式 Andre’s idea of a joke was to put
[02:32.24]就是把两个漂亮的女人放到我床上 a young lman and a young Naomi in my bed.
[02:35.14]而且在方圆100英里内找不到避孕套 And no condom within 100 miles.
[02:52.21]你好,尤里先生 Hello, Mr. Yuri.
[02:55.18]好 Hi.
[02:56.61]我们很高兴可以使你感觉高兴 We’d be happy to make you happy.
[03:00.38]我不能,我想要做 Uh, I can’t. I’d love to.
[03:05.48]但是我不能 But I can’t.
[03:07.04]不要担心 Don’t worry.
[03:08.68]我们没有病 We don’t have anything.
[03:15.34]你怎么知道? How do you know?
[03:19.21]我们看起来像有病吗? Do we look like it?
[03:21.28]如果我有艾滋病呢? What if I have AIDS?
[03:23.14]你不担心吗? Don’t you worry?
[03:25.54]你担心的太多了 You worry too much.
[03:28.61]为什么你现在担心一个 Why do you worry about something that