[03:30.08]10年后才会杀死你的病 can kill you in ten years
[03:32.61]今天就有很多机会你会死 when there are so many things that can kill you today?
[03:39.01]现在 Now...
[03:42.04]我们如何才能使你高兴 ...how can we make you happy?
[03:47.11]离开这里 By leaving.
[03:53.51]这些武装到牙齿的儿童 These are my Kalashnikov Kids.
[03:56.85]我的童子军 My Boy Brigades.
[04:00.25]我知道你在想什么 I can see what you are thinking,
[04:02.38]但是我们需要所有我们可以用的上的男性 but we need every man we can get.
[04:04.75]即使他们还没有长大? Even if they’re not men?
[04:06.85]从14岁孩子的枪里射出的子弹 A bullet from a fourteen-year-old...
[04:08.71]就像从40岁男人的枪里射出的子弹一样致命 ...is just as effective as one from a forty-year-old.
[04:12.65]也许更致命 Often more effective.
[04:17.78]没有人可以阻止这场血浴之战 No one can stop this bath of blood.
[04:20.35]不是血浴之战 It’s not "bath of blood."
[04:21.41]是浴血之战 It’s "bloodbath."
[04:24.15]谢谢 Thank you.
[04:26.18]但是我喜欢这么说 But I prefer it my way.