


时间:2016-03-28 12:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:23.61]西边? The west? [00:26.28]我们要去塞拉利昂 Were going to Sierra Leone. [00:27.91]没错,我的儿子安德烈二世 Oh, yes. And my son Baptiste Junior [00:31.14]会和你们一起去帮你们作介绍 will go with you
  •   [00:23.61]西边? The west?
      [00:26.28]我们要去塞拉利昂 We’re going to Sierra Leone.
      [00:27.91]没错,我的儿子安德烈二世 Oh, yes. And my son Baptiste Junior
      [00:31.14]会和你们一起去帮你们作介绍 will go with you to make the proper introductions.
      [00:34.68]我们没有卡车 We have no trucks.
      [00:36.78]你们会有的 You will.
      [00:38.04]我们运完食物后,你们就有卡车了 As soon as we get the food out of them.
      [00:46.14]兰博之枪 Gun of Rambo.
      [00:48.28]尤里先生,你很守信用 Mr. Yuri, you’re a man of your word.
      [00:51.81]我们去哪里? So where are we going?
      [00:53.61]RUF,自由战士 RUF - the Freedom Fighters.
      [00:58.04]每一个在非洲的派系 喜欢给自己起一些高尚的名字 Every faction1 in Africa calls themselves by the noble names.
      [01:01.68]解放这个,爱国那个 Liberation-this Patriotic-that,
      [01:03.64]或者共和或民主什么的 Democratic Republic of-something-or-other.
      [01:09.68]也许他们不知道自己是什么 I guess they can’t own up to what they usually are
      [01:12.54]地球唯一喜欢战争的民族 Federation2 of Worse Oppressors than the Last Bunch of Oppressors.
      [01:22.74]往往最残忍的暴行 Often, the most barbaric atrocities3 occur
      [01:24.84]都出自声称自己为自由战士的人们 when both combatants proclaim4 themselves "freedom fighters."

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      战争之王      

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