[00:45.84]为何一个做运输业的 in the transport business...
[00:47.11]能买得起18克拉的耳环 could afford to give her 18 carat diamond earrings1.
[00:50.54]我想她也不希望知道答案 I guess she didn’t want to hear the answer.
[00:53.84]她似乎对我养家的能力很满意 Mostly, She seemed content
[00:55.25]她也认为我对她 that I was a good provider...
[00:56.78]很忠实 and as far as she was concerned, loyal.
[00:59.98]虽然我有在外逢场作戏 Despite the other women...
[01:01.25]但每次做爱 I always made love to Ava
[01:02.81]我都把她当成我唯一的女人 as if she was the only one.
[01:08.51]我不是说生意都很顺利 I’m not saying I didn’t have setbacks.
[01:10.51]没有枪子儿跑得快 It’s not called gunrunning for nothing.
[01:12.74]怎能叫军火贩子 You gotta be fast on your feet.
[01:14.48]有时军火还没运到 革命战争就已经爆发了 Some revolutions blow over the guns even get there.
[01:17.84]对我们来说 There’s nothing’s more expensive
[01:19.08]和平比什么代价都大 for an arms dealer2 than peace.
[01:20.91]协议停火?停火是什么意思? Truce3? What do you mean, truce?
[01:23.25]军火已经在途中了 The guns are already on their way.