[04:19.08]每年他们的商品 Both their products kill more people
[04:20.71]比我的害死更多人 every year than mine.
[04:21.58]起码我的商品还有安全栓呢 At least mine has a safety switch.
[04:25.15]那些人不会把工作上的事带回家 If those guys can leave their work at the office,
[04:27.98]我也不会 so can I.
[04:30.71]天啊...妈的...你真行! God damn, you are good!
[04:35.55]真的 You really are.
[04:38.45]你差点让我相信了 You almost had me convinced.
[04:51.01]你能... Could you...
[04:55.21]帮帮我吗? could you help me out with
[00:03.68]为什么? Why?
[00:06.95]啥? Why?
[00:09.58]为什么? Why?
[00:11.78]啥为什么? Why what?
[00:13.84]为什么? Why?
[00:14.91]为什么? 我不知道 Why? I don’t know.
[00:15.78]为什么? 我不知道 Why... I don’t know.
[00:17.28]啥为什么? Why what?
[00:19.95]为什么你老闯祸? Why’re you so fucked up all the time?
[00:27.84]我就是这样,我也不知道为什么 Because I am. I don’t know.
[00:40.21]我不清楚艾娃知道多少... I didn’t know how much Ava really knew...
[00:42.08]还是装做看不见 and how much she ignored.
[00:44.48]她从不问我 She never questioned how a guy