
  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(35) 日期:2016-12-26 12:19:13 点击:178 好评:0

    [02:30.12]It was like a beautiful bird flapped3 into our drab cage 宛如小鸟飞入牢房 [02:32.40]and made those walls dissolve away. 使石墙消失无踪 [02:36.24]And for the briefest of moments 就在这一瞬间 [02:39.84]every las...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(34) 日期:2016-12-26 12:18:37 点击:88 好评:0

    [04:01.44]This is $ 200. 金额两百元 [04:03.56]In addition, the library district has generously responded 另外 主管单位 [04:08.40]with a donation of used books and sundries. 特地捐赠旧书及杂物 [04:10.48]We trust this will...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(33) 日期:2016-12-26 12:18:06 点击:122 好评:0

    [00:42.12]I keep thinking 盼望 [00:43.04]Jake might just show up and say hello. 小杰来打个招呼 [00:46.80]But he never does. 但他没出现过 [00:50.60]I hope, wherever he is, hes doing okay and making new friends. 不管他在何处...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(32) 日期:2016-12-26 12:17:03 点击:117 好评:0

    [02:52.36]Goddamn right. 就是这样 [02:56.92]They send you here for life 判了无期徒刑 [02:58.32]thats exactly what they take. 等于交出一生 [03:02.60]Part that counts, anyway. 至少得交出一部份 [03:11.04]I cant take car...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(31) 日期:2016-12-26 12:16:42 点击:169 好评:0

    [01:20.00]What did you do to set him off? 你怎样惹毛他的? [01:20.60]Youve had worse from shaving. 你刮胡子不也刀刀见血 [01:23.20]Nothing. I come in here to say farewell. 哪有 我只是来道别 [01:25.56]Aint you heard? H...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(30) 日期:2016-12-19 12:34:25 点击:133 好评:0

    [04:40.80]In fact, it got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff. 税季繁忙时 还可请助手 [04:44.88]Could you hand me a stack of 1040s? 请帮我拿一叠表格 [04:46.56]Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(29) 日期:2016-12-19 12:34:04 点击:200 好评:0

    [02:59.28]Six wardens4 have been through here in my tenure5, and Ive learned 少年呀 我经历六个典狱长 [03:05.28]one immutable6, universal truth: 我学到互古不变的真理 [03:06.44]Not one born whose asshole 给钱是不可能的...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(28) 日期:2016-12-19 12:33:34 点击:134 好评:0

    [01:26.76]I see. 我懂了 [01:32.04]Why dont we have a seat and talk it over. 咱们坐下谈吧 [01:36.72]Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? 老布 有纸笔吗? [01:51.00]Thanks. 谢谢 [01:55.88]So 好的 [01:58.20]Mister Dekins...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(27) 日期:2016-12-19 12:33:00 点击:78 好评:0

    [04:45.88]Hey, Jake. Wheres Brooks4? 小杰 老布呢? [04:45.96]I thought I heard you out here. 安迪 我听见你来了 [04:51.96]Ive been reassigned to you. 我转派给你 [04:53.32]I know, they told me. 我听说了 [04:57.00]Aint tha...

  • [肖申克的救赎] 《肖申克的救赎》电影台词(26) 日期:2016-12-19 12:32:41 点击:109 好评:0

    [02:22.96]Mark 13:35. 马可福音 13章35节 [02:25.60]Ive always liked that one. 我也一向喜欢它 [02:27.80]But I prefer 但我更爱 [02:30.36]I am the light of the world. 我是世界的光 [02:33.68]Ye that followeth me shall have...
