


时间:2017-01-11 12:20来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:38.12]Andy. 安迪 [03:38.40]Your friend 你的朋友 [04:13.12]Get busy living 忙着活 [04:17.88]or get busy dying. 或忙着死 [04:21.28]Thats goddamn right. 真有道理 [04:25.24]瑞德也来过 [04:29.92]For the second time in m
  •   [03:38.12]Andy. 安迪
      [03:38.40]Your friend 你的朋友
      [04:13.12]"Get busy living 忙着活
      [04:17.88]or get busy dying." 或忙着死
      [04:21.28]That's goddamn right. 真有道理
      [04:29.92]For the second time in my life 这是生平第二次
      [04:30.40]I'm guilty of committing a crime. 我又犯了罪
      [04:35.96]Parole violation1. 违反假释出城
      [04:37.36]Of course I doubt they'll toss2 up any roadblocks for that. 我怀疑警方会设路障逮我
      [04:42.64]Fort Hancock, Texas, please. 德州汉考克堡
      [04:42.72]Not for an old crook3 like me. 我这种老贼可以免了
      [04:50.48]I find I'm so excited I can barely4 sit still or hold a thought in my head. 我激动的坐不住不停地想
      [04:53.16]I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel. 自由人才会这么兴奋吧
      [04:58.32]A free man at the start of a long journey 踏上未知旅程的
      [05:00.12]whose conclusion is uncertain. 自由人
      [05:07.56]I hope I can make it across the border. 我希望成功越过边界
      [05:09.24]I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. 我希望能跟老友握握手
      [05:16.84]I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. 我希望太平洋如梦中一般蓝
      [05:22.48]I hope. 我希望

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