


时间:2016-12-19 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:40.06]The Sisters kept at him. 三姐妹不放过他 [02:42.34]Sometimes he was able to fight them off. 他有时打赢 [02:45.42]Sometimes not. 有时吃败仗 [02:47.10]And thats how it went for Andy. 这就是安迪的遭遇 [02:52.0
  •   [02:40.06]The Sisters kept at him. 三姐妹不放过他
      [02:42.34]Sometimes he was able to fight them off. 他有时打赢
      [02:45.42]Sometimes not. 有时吃败仗
      [02:47.10]And that's how it went for Andy. 这就是安迪的遭遇
      [02:52.06]That was his routine. 那是他的例行公事
      [02:53.46]I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. 他毕生没像头两年那么惨
      [02:57.22]And I also believe that if things had gone on that way 假使再这样下去
      [03:00.02]this place would have got the best of him. 这黑牢就会毁掉他
      [03:03.82]But then, in the spring of 1949 不过  在49年春天
      [03:06.82]the powers that be decided4: 狱方宣布
      [03:09.26]The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. 车牌工厂屋顶要翻修
      [03:14.38]I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. 我需要12人做工一周
      [03:17.82]special detail carries with it special privileges5. 特别的公差享特别的待遇
      [03:18.02]As you know 你们都知道
      [03:23.90]It was outdoor detail 这是户外公差
      [03:26.10]and May is one damned6 fine month to be working outdoors. 五月份出户外公差  实在求之不得
      [03:29.38]Stay in line there. 排好队
      [03:32.26]More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. 一百多人志愿报名
      [03:38.02]Wallace E. Unger. 昂格
      [03:43.06]Ellis Redding. 瑞丁
      [03:44.34]Wouldn't you know it? 这不是很巧吗?
      [03:46.34]Me and some fellows I know were among the names called. 我的哥儿们全都中签
      [03:51.34]Andrew Dufresne. 安迪·杜弗伦
      [03:51.94]It only cost us a pack of smokes per man. 其实是每人一包烟买的
      [03:56.70]I made my usual 20 percent, of course. 我照常抽两成
      [03:58.38]So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas. 德州一个律师打电话来
      [04:04.06]I say, "Yeah?" 我问什么事?
      [04:05.42]He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died." 他说"抱歉  令兄过世"

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