


时间:2016-12-26 12:33来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:36.36]Remember Brooks1 Hatlen? 你忘了老布? [00:40.28]Andy would never do that. 不 安迪不会寻短 [00:42.76]Never. 绝对不会 [00:46.32]I dont know. 谁知道呢? [00:51.00]Every man has his breaking point. 人的忍耐是有限
  •   [00:36.36]Remember Brooks1 Hatlen? 你忘了老布?
      [00:40.28]Andy would never do that. 不  安迪不会寻短
      [00:42.76]Never. 绝对不会
      [00:46.32]I don't know. 谁知道呢?
      [00:51.00]Every man has his breaking point. 人的忍耐是有限度的
      [00:56.48]Lickety-split.Want to get home. 动作快  我要回家
      [00:57.76]Just about finished, sir. 马上好了
      [01:16.32]Three deposits tonight. 今晚22要存三笔
      [01:27.16]And shine my shoes. 鞋子要
      [01:27.72]Get my stuff down to the laundry. 把衣物送洗
      [01:31.48]-I want them looking like mirrors. -Yes, sir. -擦的雪亮  -是的
      [01:38.24]It's good having you back. 你回来真好  安迪
      [01:41.88]Place wasn't the same without you. 没有你差多了
      [02:29.84]Lights out! 熄灯
      [03:03.48]I've had some long nights in stir. 我也曾熬过孤寂长夜
      [03:06.76]Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts 独自在内心东想西想
      [03:09.20]time can draw out like a blade. 时间慢的如同刀割
      [03:17.24]That was the longest night of my life. 那是我毕生最长的一夜
      [03:35.64]Give me a count! 回报
      [03:43.36]-Tier 3 south, -clear! -三南层到齐  -收到
      [03:49.24]Man missing on tier 2, cell 245! 二层245房没人
      [03:50.72]Dufresne! 杜弗伦
      [03:54.12]Come out. You're holding up the show! 别让大家等你
      [03:58.40]Don't make me come down or I'll thump2 your skull3 for you! 别让大家等你  等我找上来你就没命

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