


时间:2016-12-26 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:07.44]Its like something out of a Robert Frost poem. 美得像福斯特的诗 [04:10.68]Its where I asked my wife to marry me. 我在那儿向她求婚 [04:14.28]We went there for a picnic 我们去野餐 [04:15.28]and made love under t
  •   [04:07.44]It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem. 美得像福斯特的诗
      [04:10.68]It's where I asked my wife to marry me. 我在那儿向她求婚
      [04:14.28]We went there for a picnic 我们去野餐
      [04:15.28]and made love under that oak 在橡树下野合
      [04:20.36]and I asked and she said yes. 我开口  她首肯
      [04:24.32]Promise me, Red. 答应我  瑞德
      [04:29.00]If you ever get out 如果你终于假释了
      [04:30.36]find that spot. 去找到那个地方
      [04:37.92]Piece of black, volcanic3 glass. 黑色的火山玻璃
      [04:45.72]Something's buried under it I want you to have. 底下埋着东西给你
      [04:47.48]What, Andy? 什么?
      [04:48.16]What's buried under there? 你埋着什么?
      [04:52.48]You'll have to pry4 it up 你搬开它
      [04:54.76]to see. 就知道
      [00:02.48]No, I'm telling you. The guy is 你们听我说
      [00:03.88]He's talking funny. 他胡言乱语
      [00:06.24]I'm really worried about him. 我真担心他
      [00:08.64]Let's keep an eye on him. 我们要盯紧他
      [00:12.16]That's fine during the day,but at night he's all alone. 白天不要紧  晚上孤伶伶的
      [00:16.00]Oh, Lord. 天哪
      [00:19.88]What? 怎么了?
      [00:20.20]Andy come down to the loading dock today. 安迪今天到载货区
      [00:23.08]He asked me for a length of rope. 向我要一条绳子
      [00:26.28]-Rope? -Six feet long. -绳子?  -六尺长
      [00:29.04]And you gave it to him. 你给了他?
      [00:32.00]Sure. Why wouldn't I? 我凭什么不给?
      [00:34.00]-Jesus! Heywood. -How was I supposed to know? -天  赫伍呀  -怎么想的到?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      肖申克的救赎      

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