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  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(31) 日期:2015-04-06 22:15:21 点击:195 好评:0

    [04:02.28]- 慢着,你妈也加入女青年联盟? - 是啊,你怎么知道? - Wait, your moms in Junior League? - Yeah. Howd you know? [04:05.96]我妈也是。我也得去 So is mine. I gotta go too. [04:06.96]我现在没时间管这...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(30) 日期:2015-04-06 22:14:50 点击:170 好评:0

    [02:28.44]有必要? Do I have to? [02:30.44]当然!因为我是维奥拉 Yes! Because Im Viola. [02:33.20]- 杜克?很高兴见到你 - 这太吓人了 - Duke? Nice to meet you. - That was creepy. [02:39.48]我经常模仿我妹妹 I...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(29) 日期:2015-04-06 22:14:21 点击:88 好评:0

    [01:03.68]那,为什么? Well, why not? [01:06.24]你知道,这只是 You know, its just... [01:09.04]我从没对你有其他想法 ...I dont think of you in that way. [01:12.80]我们是朋友,你知道 Were friends, you know. [01...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(28) 日期:2015-04-06 22:13:52 点击:82 好评:0

    [00:01.36]哦,不 - Oh, no! - Yeah. [00:04.12]如果你找到他,别喂东西 他肠胃过敏 If you see him, dont feed him. He has an irritable1 bowel2. [00:07.12]是啊,喂他还真是我的第一反应 Yeah. Cause that would be my...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(27) 日期:2015-04-06 22:13:21 点击:73 好评:0

    [03:57.24]- 他们爱死那歌词了 - 哦,那真好 - They went nuts for my lyrics3. - Oh, thats so cool. [03:60.40]还有摩妮琪,你说得对 And you were right about Monique. [04:02.28]她已成过去式了 Shes history. [04:02.56]...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(26) 日期:2015-04-06 22:12:56 点击:91 好评:0

    [02:59.28]我等了奥莉维亚三年 现在杀出个陈咬金 I wait three years for Olivia, and then some transfer student comes in [03:05.24]突然她就 and suddenly shes acting1 like some... [03:06.92]...走火入魔的热恋女子 ......

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(25) 日期:2015-04-06 22:12:22 点击:92 好评:0

    [00:03.80]我知道,我一直跟他我,我自己说 I know. I keep telling him... me... meself... my... myself... [00:09.28]我也写歌,奥莉维亚 I write songs too, Olivia. [00:11.28]- 是吗?真好 - 听听看 - Really? Wonderf...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(24) 日期:2015-04-06 22:11:53 点击:131 好评:0

    [03:39.52]奥莉维亚雷诺克斯 Olivia Lennox. [03:44.60]- 你认识她? - 只说过一两句话 - You know her? - I talked to her for a second. [03:47.80]说什么?她都对你点头了 About what? She gave you the nod. [03:48.88]- 点...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(23) 日期:2015-04-06 22:11:28 点击:55 好评:0

    [02:21.48]太精彩了! That was amazing! [02:26.36]你们干什么?让位子给这位朋友 Whats wrong with you guys? Make some room for the man. [02:26.48]你真牛! You the man! [02:30.44]坐! Sit down! [02:32.44]你现在是我偶...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(22) 日期:2015-04-06 22:11:05 点击:171 好评:0

    [01:08.24]好了,我们或许要重新考虑一下 OK. We might need to do a little reevaluating here. [01:13.88]- 是啊 - 你好啊,美女 - Yeah. - Hey there, pretty lady. [01:16.76]什么?什么意思,想泡我? What...? What...

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