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时间:2015-04-06 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:28.44]有必要? Do I have to? [02:30.44]当然!因为我是维奥拉 Yes! Because Im Viola. [02:33.20]- 杜克?很高兴见到你 - 这太吓人了 - Duke? Nice to meet you. - That was creepy. [02:39.48]我经常模仿我妹妹 I
  •   [02:28.44]有必要? Do I have to?
      [02:30.44]当然!因为我是维奥拉 Yes! Because I’m Viola.
      [02:33.20]- 杜克?很高兴见到你 - 这太吓人了 - Duke? Nice to meet you. - That was creepy.
      [02:39.48]我经常模仿我妹妹 I used to imitate my sister all the time.
      [02:41.76]这个我在行 来,站起来! I got really good at it. Come on. And get up!
      [02:43.16]过来,问我些问题, Come on. Ask me some questions,
      [02:45.08]如果口气正确的话 就会有化学反应了 and if the chemistry’s right, things’ll just start flowing.
      [02:52.44]- 问什么问题? - 随便什么,问我如果… - Questions about what? - Anything. Ask me if...
      [02:55.00]…奶酪 ...cheese.
      [02:55.52]…我喜欢… ...I like...
      [02:60.08]好吧。你喜欢奶酪吗? OK. Do you like cheese?
      [03:02.16]怎么了,我喜欢的。 我最喜欢干酪 Why, yes I do. My favorite’s Gouda.
      [03:05.04]- 我也喜欢干酪 - 看见没? - I like Gouda too. - See?
      [03:09.92]- 看见什么? - 对话很自然 - See what? - We’re flowing.
      [03:10.60]可我们在聊奶酪 We’re talking about cheese.
      [03:12.60]那又怎样?自然就是自然 So what? Flow is flow.
      [03:15.76]什么?那是什么? What? What’s that?
      [03:18.84]那是什么?他碰了我,他碰我! What is that?! It touched me! It touched me!
      [03:20.76]是麦尔肯姆的狼蛛!抓住它! It’s Malcolm’s tarantula! Get it!
      [03:22.12]- 你去抓! - 你是男生! - You get it! - You’re the guy!
      [03:25.44]大男生! The bigger guy.
      [03:36.96]对不起! Sorry!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
