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时间:2015-04-06 22:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:02.28]- 慢着,你妈也加入女青年联盟? - 是啊,你怎么知道? - Wait, your moms in Junior League? - Yeah. Howd you know? [04:05.96]我妈也是。我也得去 So is mine. I gotta go too. [04:06.96]我现在没时间管这
  •   [04:02.28]- 慢着,你妈也加入女青年联盟? - 是啊,你怎么知道? - Wait, your mom’s in Junior League? - Yeah. How’d you know?
      [04:05.96]我妈也是。我也得去 So is mine. I gotta go too.
      [04:06.96]我现在没时间管这个 足球赛怎么办? I can’t deal with this right now. I have soccer to worry about.
      [04:12.36]不会那么糟 奥莉维亚会在那儿 Not gonna be that bad. Olivia’s gonna be there.
      [04:13.44]正好能让我为拍拖打好基础 It’s a perfect opportunity for me to lay some groundwork.
      [04:16.32]哦,奥莉维亚会在那儿 Oh, Olivia’s gonna be there.
      [04:21.68]还有我妹妹 And my sister.
      [04:21.68]摩妮琪,和你 And Monique. And you.
      [04:23.76]还有我妈 And my mom.
      [04:26.04]万岁 Great.
      [04:39.40]盖帽 Dunk toss.
      [04:41.56]嘿,伙计 Hey, dude!
      [04:43.08]离我远点 I will cut you, man.
      [04:43.16]说实话,我从来不喜欢嘉年华 I’ll tell you the truth. I never really liked carnivals4.
      [04:46.32]嘿。我会在接吻亭 要过来啊 Hey. I’m working the kissing booth. Come see me.
      [04:54.80]我爱嘉年华,老弟 I love carnivals, man.
      [04:57.96]- 嘿,杜克,你去哪儿? - 你觉得呢? - Hey, Duke, where you going? - Where do you think I’m going?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
