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时间:2015-01-27 21:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:44.11]别担心 查理 那人把她女儿宠坏了 Dont worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter. [04:48.81]像那样宠坏小孩 是不会有好下场的 And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that. [04:57.89]查理
  •   [04:44.11]别担心  查理  那人把她女儿宠坏了 Don’t worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter.
      [04:48.81]像那样宠坏小孩 是不会有好下场的 And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that.
      [04:57.89]查理  我和你妈希望你... Charlie, Mum and I thought...
      [00:01.36]今晚就拆生日礼物 maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight.
      [00:10.74]拿去吧 Here you are.
      [00:24.58]我等明天早上再拆好了 Maybe I should wait till morning.
      [00:26.39]-门儿都没有  -岳父 -Like hell. -Pop.
      [00:28.62]我们加起来381岁了  别想叫我们等 All together, we’re 381 years old. We don’t wait.
      [00:42.17]查理  就算没找到... Now, Charlie, you mustn’t feel too disappointed...
      [00:45.04]也不要觉得太失望... you know, if you don’t get the...
      [00:47.21]无论如何  你还有巧克力吃 Whatever happens, you’ll still have the candy.
      [01:18.84]好了 Ah, well.
      [01:20.97]没戏唱了 That’s that.
      [01:24.48]-我们分着吃吧  -不行 -We’ll share it. -Oh, no, Charlie.
      [01:27.35]这是你的生日礼物 Not your birthday present.
      [01:29.85]这是我的巧克力 我想给谁吃就给谁吃 It’s my candy bar, and I’ll do what I want with it.
      [01:39.89]谢谢你 Thank you, darling.
      [01:42.33]谢谢你 Thank you, Charlie.
      [01:48.37]愿神佑你 Bless you.
      [02:15.70]好  看看是谁找到的 All right, let’s see who found it.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
