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时间:2015-01-27 21:50来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:10.45]我就把买得到的旺卡巧克力 全都买下来 I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. [03:14.02]成千上万块 数以百计 Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. [03:17.15]我是从事坚果业 所以
  •   [03:10.45]我就把买得到的旺卡巧克力 全都买下来 I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on.
      [03:14.02]成千上万块  数以百计 Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands.
      [03:17.15]我是从事坚果业 所以我就告诉工人们 I’m in the nut business, you see. So I say to my workers:
      [03:21.56]各位女士早安 从现在起暂停剥花生壳... Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts...
      [03:24.76]改拆这些巧克力的包装纸 and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead.
      [03:42.45]过了三天  还是没找到 真是太糟糕了 Three days went by, and we had no luck.  Oh, it was terrible.
      [03:45.95]我的小维露卡一天比一天生气 My Veruca got more and more upset each day.
      [03:48.25]我的金奖券呢? Where’s my golden ticket?
      [03:49.89]我要我的金奖券 I want my golden ticket.
      [03:53.76]各位  我最讨厌看到我的宝贝女儿不开心 Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that.
      [03:57.89]我发誓不找到金奖券绝不罢休 I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted.
      [04:02.57]结果终于让我找到了一张 And finally, I found her a ticket.
      [04:32.43]爸爸  我还要一匹小马 Daddy, I want another pony.
      [04:37.63]她比那个胖小子更讨人厌 She’s even worse than the fat boy.
      [04:40.17]我觉得不太公平 她不是自己发现金奖券的 I don’t think that was really fair. She didn’t find the ticket herself.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
