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时间:2015-01-27 21:49来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:01.64]也不是胡桃 也不是花生酱... or walnut or peanut butter... [02:04.44]也不是牛轧糖... or nougat... [02:06.75]也不是脆果糖或焦糖 也不是巧克力糖霜 or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles. [02:12.69]于
  •   [02:01.64]也不是胡桃  也不是花生酱... or walnut or peanut butter...
      [02:04.44]也不是牛轧糖... or nougat...
      [02:06.75]也不是脆果糖或焦糖  也不是巧克力糖霜 or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles.
      [02:12.69]于是我看了一眼... So I look...
      [02:15.89]就发现金奖券了 and I find the golden ticket.
      [02:17.59]奥古塔斯  你怎么庆祝的? Augustus, how did you celebrate?
      [02:20.46]我又吃更多的糖果 I eat more candy.
      [02:25.97]我们早就知道 奥古塔斯会找到金奖券 We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket.
      [02:29.47]他每天都吃好多糖果... He eats so many candy bars a day...
      [02:31.87]不可能连一张金奖券都找不到 that it was not possible for him not to find one.
      [02:35.81]很不错  奥古塔斯 Yes, it is good, Augustus.
      [02:39.68]出现第一张金奖券  还剩下四张... Golden ticket claimed and four more...
      [02:41.85]我就说是个大胖子嘛 Told you it’d be a porker.
      [02:43.55]真讨人厌的小孩 What a repulsive boy.
      [02:45.85]只剩下四张金奖券了 Only four golden tickets left.
      [02:47.69]既然有人找到一张  大家一定会越来越疯狂 Now that they’ve found one, things will really get crazy.
      [02:52.49]每种形状  大小  及色彩 Of every shape, size and hue.
      [02:58.43]维露卡  麻烦你拼一下  好吗 Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please?
      [03:01.24]维-露-卡 维露卡·索尔特 V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt.
      [03:06.31]我的小维露卡一说她想要金奖券... As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
