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时间:2015-01-27 21:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:22.44]第三张金奖券的得主 是紫罗兰博雷加德小姐 The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde. [02:40.72](乔治亚州 亚特兰大市) [02:44.16]这些只是我的紫罗兰 赢得的263座奖杯的一部分 The
  •   [02:22.44]第三张金奖券的得主 是紫罗兰·博雷加德小姐 "The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde."
      [02:40.72](乔治亚州  亚特兰大市)
      [02:44.16]这些只是我的紫罗兰 赢得的263座奖杯的一部分 These are just some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won.
      [02:50.23]我平常喜欢嚼口香糖 但我一听到金奖券的事... I’m a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things...
      [02:53.84]就暂时不买口香糖  改买巧克力 I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars.
      [02:56.47]她是个冲劲十足的小女孩 不知道是遗传谁的 She’s just a driven young woman. I don’t know where she gets it.
      [03:02.01]我是嚼口香糖的世界冠军 I’m the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer.
      [03:04.31]我嘴里嚼的这片口香糖... This piece of gum I’m chewing right now...
      [03:06.48]已经整整嚼了三个月 刷新了世界纪录 I’ve been working on for three months solid. That’s a record.
      [03:10.55]当然  我也有不少战利品 多半是甩指挥棒得来的 Of course, I did have my share of trophies, mostly baton.
      [03:15.39]上面写着有个小朋友能得到大奖 别的小朋友都得不到 So it says that one kid’s gonna get this special prize, better than all the rest.
      [03:20.16]我才不管其他四个人是谁 得大奖的小孩一定是我 I don’t care who those other four are. That kid, it’s gonna be me.
      [03:24.30]告诉他们为什么  紫罗兰 Tell them why, Violet.
      [03:26.04]因为我天生是赢家 Because I’m a winner.
      [03:27.90]真讨人厌的女孩 What a beastly girl.
      [03:29.84]卑鄙下流 Despicable.
      [03:32.11]你知不知道我们在说啥 You don’t know what we’re talking about.
      [03:36.25]蜻蜓吗? Dragonflies?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      查理和巧克力工厂      
