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时间:2015-04-06 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:59.28]我等了奥莉维亚三年 现在杀出个陈咬金 I wait three years for Olivia, and then some transfer student comes in [03:05.24]突然她就 and suddenly shes acting1 like some... [03:06.92]...走火入魔的热恋女子 ...
  •   [02:59.28]我等了奥莉维亚三年 现在杀出个陈咬金 I wait three years for Olivia, and then some transfer student comes in
      [03:05.24]突然她就… and suddenly she’s acting1 like some...
      [03:06.92]...走火入魔的热恋女子 ...obsessed2, love-struck teenager.
      [03:11.92]我决不能坐以待毙,马尔维利欧! I’m not gonna take that lying down, Malvolio!
      [03:15.56]是,我知道,我知道 Yeah, I know. I know.
      [03:18.84]你说得没错 You’re absolutely right.
      [03:18.96]我会继续观察 会找到他的弱点 I’ll do some digging, I’ll find out what it is,
      [03:22.96]然后在奥莉维亚面前狠狠地给他一刀 and I’ll nip his chances with Olivia right in the bud.
      [03:26.92]什么?哦,对,是的 出去走走,来吧 What’s that? Oh, yeah, sure. A walk. Sorry. Come on.
      [03:31.80]你真聪明 You are so smart.
      [03:33.68]喂? Hello.
      [03:34.48]- 想我吗? - 怎么样? - Miss me? - What’s going on?
      [03:36.12]你的嗓子怎么了? What’s wrong with your voice?
      [03:39.52]我只是有点感冒 I just have a little bit of a cold.
      [03:40.40]所以,有点痰 So... I’m still a little phlegmy.
      [03:43.12]- 学校的事呢? - 对 - Call my school? - Yeah.
      [03:45.88]已经办妥了。你确保在12号前回来就行 It’s all taken care of. Just make sure you’re back by the 12th.
      [03:47.36]太酷了,维 It was so coo/, Vi.
      [03:49.76]之前几天的表演,把整个会场都掀翻了 We went on a coup/e days ear/y, and the crowd f/ipped for us.
      [03:52.76]他们要求再来一首 我们即兴演了我写的歌 They wanted an encore, so we did one of my songs acoustica//y.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
