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  • [电影台词背单词] 《总统千金欧游记》电影台词(2) 日期:2015-04-21 16:17:28 点击:86 好评:0

    [03:50.53]- Do you wanna get out of here? - More than you know. - 你想离开这里吗? - 非常想 [04:01.93]Alone at last. 终于可以独处了. [04:41.41]All agents are in position. If possible, can you walk me out a latte? Iced, soy. 所...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《总统千金欧游记》电影台词(1) 日期:2015-04-21 16:15:19 点击:59 好评:0

    [01:06.21]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:28.17]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:30.33]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:31.33]You can kiss me. 你可以吻我. [02:38.17]- Iden...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(69) 日期:2015-04-21 16:10:53 点击:95 好评:0

    [01:28.68]我们不会象以前那么谈天了 we wouldnt have talked like we did [01:29.68]也就不会那么了解对方 and got to know each other the same way. [01:34.04]那样会很可惜的 And that would have been a shame. [01:37.36]只...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(68) 日期:2015-04-21 16:10:02 点击:184 好评:0

    [00:37.60]- 嗨 - 嗨 - Hi. - Hi. [00:38.16]那个,你为什么来? So, what brings you here? [00:43.76]那个,几天前 Well, a few days ago, [00:45.04]我在亲吻亭亲了一个女孩 I kissed this girl at a kissing booth1. [00:52....

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(67) 日期:2015-04-21 16:09:14 点击:95 好评:0

    [02:49.04]哦, 尤妮丝. Oh, Eunice. [02:84.96]嘿,室友 Hey, roomie. [03:27.16]这是给你的 This is for you. [03:54.84]斯特拉特福德少年联盟邀请你参加 The Stratford Junior League invites you [03:55.00]第38届社交舞...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(66) 日期:2015-04-21 16:08:46 点击:159 好评:0

    [01:45.80]- 你应该提前打电话... - 你怎么可以...? - You should call before you... - How did you...? [01:50.24]妈妈,爸爸嘿! Mom, Dad... Hey! [01:51.08]为什么我们不一家去吃晚饭? Why dont we go to dinner? A...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(65) 日期:2015-04-21 16:08:03 点击:201 好评:0

    [04:70.56]我是不是在你脑子里? 我是不是在你脑子里? Am I in your head? Am I in your head? [04:71.76]你看这球门? 在变小,而我在变大 You see the goal? Its getting smaller and Im getting bigger. [04:74.44]来啊...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(64) 日期:2015-04-21 16:02:54 点击:179 好评:0

    [02:69.76]联盟里不可以有女孩,看这手册 Theres no girls in this league. Look in the manual. [02:75.32]听着,你在伊利里亚. Listen, pal5. Youre in Illyria. [02:75.84]什么手册? What manual? [02:78.72]我们这里没有...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(63) 日期:2015-04-21 16:02:36 点击:165 好评:0

    [01:52.84]等一下,如果我亲了你哥哥,他现在在哪里? Wait a minute. If I kissed your brother, where is he? [01:56.24]没准在去中国的路上. 他看起来很悠闲... Probably halfway3 to China. He showed his willis an...

  • [电影台词背单词] 《足球尤物》电影台词(62) 日期:2015-04-21 16:01:36 点击:99 好评:0

    [00:47.84]我是维奥拉. Im Viola. [00:49.36]等一下,你不是维奥拉. Wait. Youre not Viola. [00:49.72]- 是的,我是 - 不,我认识维奥拉. - Yes, I am. - No, I know Viola. [00:54.40]- 我,我亲过维奥拉. - 你亲的是...

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