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时间:2015-04-21 16:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:70.56]我是不是在你脑子里? 我是不是在你脑子里? Am I in your head? Am I in your head? [04:71.76]你看这球门? 在变小,而我在变大 You see the goal? Its getting smaller and Im getting bigger. [04:74.44]来啊
  •   [04:70.56]我是不是在你脑子里? 我是不是在你脑子里? Am I in your head? Am I in your head?
      [04:71.76]你看这球门? 在变小,而我在变大 You see the goal? It’s getting smaller and I’m getting bigger.
      [04:74.44]来啊 Come on.
      [04:78.52]集中精神,别象个女孩一样 Concentrate. Don’t kick like a girl.
      [04:80.60]男人更强. 你没可能的 Guys are better. It’s not gonna happen.
      [04:85.40]你输定了! 这是我的地盘! You’re a loser! This is my house!
      [00:27.56]你这可怜虫!我就在你脑子里 You’re pathetic! I’m in your head.
      [00:43.08]哦也! Yeah!
      [00:46.04]- 那是我女儿! - 也是我的! - That’s my girl! - Mine too!
      [00:61.96]不公平! 不公平r! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!
      [00:64.72]不过是靠运气! That was a lucky shot!
      [00:66.16]我再也不想见到你!你这烂人! I never wanna see you again! You suck!
      [00:75.16]- 你做到了,维! - 我们太棒了! - You did it, Vi! - You were so awesome1!
      [00:80.36]- 我为你感到骄傲 - 结束了 - I am so proud of you. - It’s over.
      [00:82.72]你踢进了决胜点,说点什么 You scored the game-winning goal. Say something.
      [00:84.24]妈妈? 爸爸? Mom? Dad?
      [01:28.60]- 真是太好了 - 谢谢,爸爸 - That was really something. - Thanks, Dad.
      [01:32.48]- 你做了这些就为了踢球? - 我告诉过你,对我很重要 - You did all this to play soccer? - I told you, it’s important to me.
      [01:35.56]如果维奥拉在这里假装是你 If Viola was here pretending to be you,
      [01:38.80]- 你又在哪里? - 哦,他在... - where were you? - Oh, he was...
      [01:41.04]我在伦敦演出 I was in London playing my music.
      [01:43.08]- 伦敦? - 对我很重要 - London? - It was important to me.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
