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时间:2015-04-21 16:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:69.76]联盟里不可以有女孩,看这手册 Theres no girls in this league. Look in the manual. [02:75.32]听着,你在伊利里亚. Listen, pal5. Youre in Illyria. [02:75.84]什么手册? What manual? [02:78.72]我们这里没有
  •   [02:69.76]联盟里不可以有女孩,看这手册 There’s no girls in this league. Look in the manual.
      [02:75.32]听着,你在伊利里亚. Listen, pal5. You’re in Illyria.
      [02:75.84]什么手册? What manual?
      [02:78.72]我们这里没有性别歧视 We don’t discriminate6 based on gender7.
      [02:83.32]好吧 All right.
      [02:85.36]这个会留淤青 That’s gonna bruise8.
      [03:29.08]好吧,你真的以为有个女孩在队里你们可以赢? Fine. You really think you can beat us with a girl on your team?
      [03:32.32]这一定会很有意思 This should be fun.
      [03:36.04]滚 Go.
      [03:36.44]最后一句话由我来说,不是你,滚 I get to say the last word, not you. Go.
      [03:41.36]好的,听着... OK, team...
      [03:45.40]...去踢球!去搏杀! - 好的! ...let’s go kick! Kill! - Yeah!
      [03:47.28]加油!加油! Come on! Come on!
      [03:48.64]好吧,听众们,这实在是无聊 Well, folks, this is a real nail-biter.
      [03:53.44]下半时结尾仍然是平分 It’s a tie score at the bottom of the second half.
      [04:27.84]加油!加油!打开! Come on, come on! Open up!
      [04:44.48]犯规? 这不算犯规! 他碰到球了! Foul9? That’s not a foul! He got all ball!
      [04:45.92]什么? What?
      [04:56.72]这个罚球将决定胜局 And the penalty kick will decide the game.
      [04:65.88]你要往哪里踢? 这里? 我知道你要踢到那里 Where you gonna kick it? Right here? I know you’re gonna kick it there.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
