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时间:2015-04-21 16:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:47.84]我是维奥拉. Im Viola. [00:49.36]等一下,你不是维奥拉. Wait. Youre not Viola. [00:49.72]- 是的,我是 - 不,我认识维奥拉. - Yes, I am. - No, I know Viola. [00:54.40]- 我,我亲过维奥拉. - 你亲的是
  •   [00:47.84]我是维奥拉. I’m Viola.
      [00:49.36]等一下,你不是维奥拉. Wait. You’re not Viola.
      [00:49.72]- 是的,我是 - 不,我认识维奥拉. - Yes, I am. - No, I know Viola.
      [00:54.40]- 我,我亲过维奥拉. - 你亲的是我 - I... I kissed Viola. - You kissed me.
      [00:55.96]你在说什么? 我没亲过你 What are you talking about? I didn’t kiss you.
      [00:60.88]康沃尔的女子队被取消了 The girls team at Cornwall got cut.
      [00:63.84]男子队又不让我参加 The guys wouldn’t let me go out for their team.
      [00:68.04]所以我就一直假装是我哥哥 So I’ve been pretending to be my brother
      [00:70.08]上两周他正好去了伦敦... while he was in London for the past two weeks...
      [00:75.00]...所以我可以参加比赛好打败康沃尔. ...so I could make the team and beat Cornwall.
      [00:84.80]但是我哥哥提前回来了 But my brother came home early.
      [01:28.80]你看到的是他亲了奥莉维亚 也是他在踢上半场 And that’s who you saw kissing Olivia and that’s who played the first half.
      [01:31.08]你戴着假发不能说明你就是个女孩 Because you wear a wig2 doesn’t prove you’re a girl.
      [01:35.76]好吧 OK, then.
      [01:40.80]耶! Yeah!
      [01:40.84]仁慈的主啊 Merciful Jesus.
      [01:44.60]- 维奥拉?! - 只是我的幻觉 - Viola?! - Is it just me
      [01:46.48]还是这场比赛比平时要更露肉? or this soccer game have more nudity than most?
      [01:47.88]好了,现在大家都明白了? All right, so everybody understand?
      [01:50.44]- 是啊,我明白了 - 好的 - Yeah. I get it. - OK.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
