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时间:2015-04-21 16:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:41.12]听着,小子们 OK, tough guys. [04:43.92]你们要是想拳击?从我的运动场滚出去 You want to box? You get out of my stadium. [04:47.52]否则就好好比赛 Otherwise, get on with the game. [04:49.28]听着,伊利里
  •   [04:41.12]听着,小子们 OK, tough guys.
      [04:43.92]你们要是想拳击?从我的运动场滚出去 You want to box? You get out of my stadium.
      [04:47.52]否则就好好比赛 Otherwise, get on with the game.
      [04:49.28]听着,伊利里亚的犰狳们 Come on, now, Armadillos of Illyria.
      [04:52.36]其他人也是! That goes for the rest of you!
      [04:54.24]去打一场真的比赛! Now get on and play some real football!
      [04:58.84]- 别好象一群女人 - 好的 - Like a bunch7 of girls. - OK.
      [04:61.60]其他人,让我们象女人一样打场橄榄球 The rest of you, let’s play some real football like a bunch of girls.
      [04:65.56]- 好不好? - 你白痴! - All right? - You suck8!
      [04:67.68]那不是橄榄球,是足球,美国是这么叫的 It’s not football, it’s soccer. That’s what we call it in the States.
      [04:69.68]- 赛巴斯蒂安! 你没事吧? - 不, 奥莉维亚,别现在 - Sebastian! Are you OK? - No, Olivia, Not now.
      [04:73.04]你还想告诉我说什么也没发生 Try to tell me again there’s nothing going on.
      [04:77.04]什么都没有! There is nothing going on!
      [04:78.28]- 那昨晚怎么回事? - 我没对你撒谎,杜克. - What about last night? - I didn’t lie to you, Duke.
      [04:82.96]我撒谎了,但不是这个 I did, but not about this.
      [00:28.16]真相是这样的 Here’s the truth.
      [00:30.36]我爱你 I love you.
      [00:33.32]你再说一次? I beg your pardon?
      [00:34.84]什么?好吧,你刚才说...? 这可真有点奇怪了 What? All right... What’re you...? That’s just a little weird1.
      [00:36.68]要吧,你知道么? 我不能再隐瞒了 OK, you know what? I can’t do this anymore.
      [00:40.20]大家,我有话要说 Everybody, I have something to tell you.
      [00:45.24]我不是赛巴斯蒂安. I’m not Sebastian.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
