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时间:2015-04-21 15:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:75.04]我这里空了! Im open! [02:76.24]杜克! 回来!回来! Duke! Get back! Get back! [02:85.36]不! No! [03:28.60]好的,就这样干,宝贝儿! Yes, Dan-O, way to go, baby! [03:36.00]康沃尔以牙还牙 Cornwall
  •   [02:75.04]我这里空了! I’m open!
      [02:76.24]杜克! 回来!回来! Duke! Get back! Get back!
      [02:85.36]不! No!
      [03:28.60]好的,就这样干,宝贝儿! Yes, Dan-O, way to go, baby!
      [03:36.00]康沃尔以牙还牙 Cornwall’s right back in it with a goal.
      [03:45.36]- 你有什么问题?! 赛巴斯蒂安那里空着! - 能为了什么丢一球?! - What’s the matter?! Sebastiars open! - Rather lose the goal?!
      [03:51.04]杜克,我知道你生我气 Duke, I know you’re mad at me.
      [03:51.84]闭嘴,你 Shut up, man.
      [03:53.72]别跟我说话,离我远点! Don’t talk to me. Get out of my face!
      [03:56.88]我跟奥莉维亚没事发生! 比赛结束我会向你解释的! Nothing is going on with me and Olivia! When the game is over I’ll explain!
      [03:59.68]现在你不用喜欢我,但是我是你队友?! For right now, you don’t have to like me, but I’m your teammate5, OK?!
      [03:64.44]我想要打败他们! 我必须打败他们! I want to beat these guys! I have to beat these guys!
      [03:66.12]不知道有没有打搅你们 我们有场比赛要打 If we’re not disturbing you, we have a soccer game to finish.
      [03:70.32]不回怎么样,你又要拿你的脸来碰我的拳头? Or you’ll hit my fist with your face again?
      [03:70.44]回你的网子里去 Get back in the net, man.
      [03:73.12]你想我这么干么? 来啊! Do you want to see me do it? Let’s go!
      [03:75.68]杜克,别这样,停手 Duke, come on. Stop it.
      [03:78.28]- 别这样! - 杜克,停手 - Come on! - Duke, stop it.
      [03:81.52]赛巴斯蒂安! Sebastian!
      [03:85.32]杜克! 停手! Duke! Stop it!
      [04:28.52]停手! Come on!
      [04:30.20]好! OK!
      [04:33.08]停手! 哦天啊! Stop it! Oh, my God!
      [04:34.08]如果你们想打架, 离开运动场距离 If you want to roughhouse, take it at least 500 yards
      [04:36.68]- 至少500码 - 散开! 散开! - away from the stadium6 grounds. - Break it up! Break it up!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
