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时间:2015-04-21 16:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:28.68]我们不会象以前那么谈天了 we wouldnt have talked like we did [01:29.68]也就不会那么了解对方 and got to know each other the same way. [01:34.04]那样会很可惜的 And that would have been a shame. [01:37.36]只
  •   [01:28.68]我们不会象以前那么谈天了 we wouldn’t have talked like we did
      [01:29.68]也就不会那么了解对方 and got to know each other the same way.
      [01:34.04]那样会很可惜的 And that would have been a shame.
      [01:37.36]只是让你知道 Just so you know,
      [01:38.80]当我装做男孩的时候,你告诉我的事情... everything you told me when I was a guy just...
      [01:45.08]...让我象个姑娘一样喜欢你 ...made me like you so much more as a girl.
      [01:49.08]好的,但是从现在开始 OK, but just from here on in,
      [01:52.76]一切都会变得简单点 everything would just be a lot easier
      [01:55.12]如果你一直当个女人 if you stayed a girl.
      [01:57.12]我保证 I promise.
      [01:60.20]摩妮琪·瓦伦丁 由贾斯丁·雷德顿护送 Monique Valentine, escorted3 by Justin Drayton.
      [01:75.20]贾斯丁,你最棒! Justin, you’re the man!
      [01:81.84]奥莉维亚·雷诺克斯 由赛巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯护送 Olivia Lennox, escorted by Sebastian Hastings.
      [02:35.00]维奥拉·海斯丁斯, 由鲍而 安东尼护送 Viola Hastings, escorted by Paul Antonio.
      [02:44.44]维奥拉·海斯丁斯. Viola Hastings.
      [02:48.12]太象她了,她在哪里? This is typical. Well, where is she?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
