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时间:2015-03-04 21:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:09.75]- Yeah, Chris. - Yes, Mr. Ribbon... -是的,克里斯 -罗先生 [04:11.69]...I would love to have the opportunity to discuss some of our products. 我想和你谈谈我们的理财方案 [04:15.29]Im certain that I could be of
  •   [04:09.75]- Yeah, Chris. - Yes, Mr. Ribbon... -是的,克里斯 -罗先生
      [04:11.69]...I would love to have the opportunity to discuss some of our products. 我想和你谈谈我们的理财方案
      [04:15.29]I’m certain that I could be of some assistance to you. 一定会对你有帮助的
      [04:17.93]Can you be here in 20 minutes? 你二十分钟内能赶来吗?
      [04:21.06]- Twenty minutes. Absolutely. - Just had someone cancel. -二十分钟,没问题 -因为有人取消预约
      [04:24.20]I can give you a few minutes before the 49ers. 现在来 我去看球赛前有一点时间
      [04:26.50]- Monday Night Football, buddy3. - Yes, sir. Thank you very much. -周一美式足球赛 -好,谢谢你
      [04:29.84]- See you soon. - Bye-bye. 待会见
      [04:34.78]Excuse me. Thank you. 抱歉,谢谢
      [04:37.08]- Chris, what’s up? - Hey, Mr. Frakesh. -你要去哪里? -裴先生
      [04:38.85]Hey, do you have five minutes? 你有空吗?
      [04:40.35]I got a green light from Walter Ribbon... 我正好要去见一位大客户
      [04:42.25]I’m supposed to present commodities to Bromer. Could you move my car? 我没空,我要去做简报 请你帮我移车
      [04:45.52]That’d really help me out. It’s on Samson, half block, silver Caprice. 车子就停在半个街口以外
      [04:48.99]Just move it to the other side. They’re street sweeping4. There’s spaces. 只要移到对面,一定有停车位
      [04:52.39]Hang on to these. I have backups in my desk. 拿去,我有备用钥匙
      [04:55.16]And you have to jimmy that. 你得稍微摇一下
      [04:56.86]- Jimmy what? - You have to jimmy the key. -摇一下什么? -钥匙呀
      [04:59.07]And the other doors don’t unlock. You have to jimmy it. 另一边的车门被锁死 你得用力摇晃钥匙

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
