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时间:2015-03-04 21:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:14.13]I realized that by not hanging up the phone... 这样一来 [03:16.50]...I gained another eight minutes a day. 每天就多出八分钟 [03:18.67]Why, good morning to you, my name is Chris Gardner. 早安,我是克里斯 [03:
  •   [03:14.13]I realized that by not hanging up the phone... 这样一来
      [03:16.50]...I gained another eight minutes a day. 每天就多出八分钟
      [03:18.67]Why, good morning to you, my name is Chris Gardner. 早安,我是克里斯
      [03:21.10]- I’m calling from Dean Witter. - I wasn’t drinking water... 我也尽量不喝水
      [03:23.84]...so I didn’t’ waste any time in the bathroom. 就不必上厕所
      [03:26.07]Yes, I’d love to have the opportunity... 我很想趁这机会
      [03:28.48]Okay, no problem at all, sir. Thank you very much. 没问题,谢谢你
      [03:31.75]But even doing all this... 但是就算这样
      [03:33.28]...after two months, I still didn’t have time to work my way up a sheet. 两个月后还是没什么进展
      [03:50.60]We’re feeling really confident about that one as well.
      [03:53.33]Walter Ribbon’s office. 执行长办公室
      [03:54.77]Yes, hello, my name is Chris Gardner. I’m calling for Mr. Walter Ribbon. 我是克里斯,请接罗执行长
      [03:58.14]- Concerning? - Yes, ma’am. 有何贵干?
      [03:59.51]I’m calling from Dean Witter. 这是添惠证券公司
      [04:01.04]Just a moment. 请稍等
      [04:04.65]- Hello? - Mr. Ribbon. -喂? -罗先生
      [04:06.58]Hello, sir. My name’s Chris Gardner. I’m calling from Dean Witter. 您好 我是添惠证券的克里斯

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
