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时间:2015-03-04 21:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:20.07]Then the cross-town. 然后搭公车 [02:22.44]The 22 home. 回到汽车旅馆 [02:25.48]- Hey, Chris! - Hey. Hi, Ralph. -嘿,克里斯 -嗨,赖夫 [02:28.32]- Im waiting. - All right, I got that for you, Ralph. -我在等你的
  •   [02:20.07]Then the cross-town. 然后搭公车
      [02:22.44]The 22 home. 回到汽车旅馆
      [02:25.48]- Hey, Chris! - Hey. Hi, Ralph. -嘿,克里斯 -嗨,赖夫
      [02:28.32]- I’m waiting. - All right, I got that for you, Ralph. -我在等你的房钱 -没问题,我很快就会给你
      [02:31.42]I’m gonna get that for you. 我很快就会给你
      [02:41.66]Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired. 业绩最好的实习生通常会被录用
      [02:45.30]Hello, Chris Gardner calling for Mr. Walter Hobb. 你好,我找郝先生
      [02:47.60]We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients. 我们都从清单底下开始打电话
      [02:50.87]- From the bottom to the top. - Yes, sir. 从低层人员到高级主管
      [02:53.37]- From the doorman to the CEO. - Okay. 从门房到执行长
      [02:56.85]They’d stay till 7, but I had Christopher. 大家都待到七点,我得去接小克
      [02:59.68]I had to do in six hours what they do in nine. 必须在六小时内尽量打电话
      [03:02.92]Good afternoon, my name is Chris Gardner. I’m calling from Dean Witter. 午安,我是添惠证券的克里斯
      [03:06.25]In order not to waste any time... 为了不浪费时间
      [03:08.06]...I wasn’t hanging up the phone in between calls. 我都不挂电话
      [03:10.46]Okay, thank you very much. 好的,谢谢你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      当幸福来敲门      
