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时间:2015-05-25 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:10.80]好了 听好了 我有个天大的消息 AII right. Listen up. l got huge news. [03:13.17]你终于决定要刮腋毛了? Youre filnaIIy gonna shave those armpits? [03:15.84]我的女性特征碍着你了吗? Does my naturaI femi
  •   [03:10.80]好了 听好了 我有个天大的消息 AII right. Listen up. l got huge news.
      [03:13.17]你终于决定要刮腋毛了? You’re filnaIIy gonna shave those armpits?
      [03:15.84]我的女性特征碍着你了吗?  Does my naturaI femininity7 bother you?
      [03:17.98]不不 完全没有 No. No, not at all.
      [03:18.71]只是当我吃东西或是呼吸或是喝酒的时候 Just when l’m eating or breathing or drinking.
      [03:21.21]真的啦 真的很恶心 你就稍微弄一下嘛  Come on. lt’s disgusting8. Just take care of that.
      [03:23.55]你怎么还在这儿? Why are you stIll here?
      [03:24.88]我知道了 那是因为你总是无处不在 l know. lt’s because you’re alWays here.
      [03:27.88]因为我们从来都跟你混一块儿 但你猜怎么着?  Because we never go anywhere without you. But guess what, funnyman?
      [03:31.42]这些即将要改变了 That’s aII about to change.
      [03:34.16]你终于决定要和这家伙分手 So you’re filnaIIy gonna break up
      [03:36.05]跟个叫墨菲的人好了? with this guy and come over to the Murph?
      [03:37.26]只要你开口 我这个墨菲随时候命 Give me the word. l’II throw you a Murph anytime you want.
      [03:39.76]哈! 不是啦 我们要搬去西雅图 Ugh! No. We’re moving to SeattIe.
      [03:42.80]我找到工作了! l got the job!
      [03:44.80]我…我什么? 西…什么?      对呀  l’m l’m what? SeWhat?         Yeah.
      [03:46.80]什么工作? What job?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
