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时间:2015-05-25 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:48.94]什么? 什别弄得自己好像是第一次听到这个 What? Wha Dont act Iike this is the filrst youre hearing of this. [03:52.11]我几个月前就告诉过你了 他们 l toId you months ago. Theyre [03:54.61]他们就像是最
  •   [03:48.94]什么? 什…别弄得自己好像是第一次听到这个 What? Wha Don’t act Iike this is the filrst you’re hearing of this.
      [03:52.11]我几个月前就告诉过你了 他们… l toId you months ago. They’re
      [03:54.61]他们就像是最棒的新生唱片公司 They’re, Iike,just the cooIest indie IabeI...
      [03:57.71]而他们请我去当西海岸A&R分部的头儿 and they want me to head their West Coast A & R offilce.
      [04:01.65]懂了吗? 我说今天晚上那些人很烂是有原因的 See? There’s a reason l knew that guy sucked9 tonight.
      [04:04.39]而你们这两个中年土包子还觉得他们好呢  And you two middIeaged dorks thought he was cooI
      [04:06.72]33不能…不能算进中年之列 Thirtythree is hardIy hardIy middIeaged.
      [04:09.52]不能      嘿 打断一下 回正题  HardIy.         Hey, l’m sorry, rewind.
      [04:12.36]呃 这份工作在西雅图? Uh, this job is in SeattIe?
      [04:14.36]对啊      是在华盛顿的那个西雅图  Yeah.         Same SeattIe that’s in Washington10.
      [04:16.80]那个在另一边的华盛顿吗?      对啊 没错  Same Washington that’s on the other side of the country?         Yeah. Yes.
      [04:19.77]对的 你一定会喜欢的 Yes. You’re gonna Iove it.
      [04:20.80]那里很美的 到处是自然风光 lt’s so beautifuI. Tons of nature.
      [04:23.54]对 而且也是美国北部自杀率最高的城市 Yeah, it’s aIso got the highest suicide11 rate in North America
      [04:26.74]甚至要比纽约还高 那儿老有孩子跳河 Even more than lthaca, New York, where the kids aIways jump off the bridge.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
