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时间:2015-05-25 22:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:29.91]都是常春藤的孩子们 他们 lvy League kids. Theyre [04:31.30]对 我也有听说 You know, l heard that. [04:32.05]不是这样的 不 我我也有听说的 lt does not. No, l l heard that too. [04:33.92]你乱说 不 是真
  •   [04:29.91]都是常春藤的孩子们 他们…  lvy League kids. They’re
      [04:31.30]对 我也有听说 You know, l heard that.
      [04:32.05]不是这样的      不 我…我也有听说的  lt does not.         No, l l heard that too.
      [04:33.92]你乱说      不 是真的 我听说过  You just make shit up.         No, it’s true. l heard that.
      [04:36.95]那是 呃…那是因为那儿每天都下雨 lt’s, uh lt’s because it rains every day.
      [04:39.39]每天都下雨 难得不下雨就会起雾  Every day it’s rainy. When it’s not rainy, it’s foggy.
      [04:41.36]没有 不是的 那里… No, it is not. This is such
      [04:43.19]这不是真的 那里不下雨 那里… That is not true. lt does not rain. lt
      [04:45.36]那里是下点雨 但不是每天下的 lt rains a IittIe, but not every day,
      [04:46.92]而且…你干嘛在意这个? and it What do you care?
      [04:48.46]总是这样 我都把你拖不出公寓 Anyway, l can’t even get you to Ieave the apartment.
      [04:50.67]中央公园你都不去 You never even go to CentraI Park.
      [04:52.17]你瞎说什么? 我很喜欢户外的 What are you taIking about? l Iove the outdoors.
      [04:54.50]我不去中央公园 l just don’t go to CentraI Park
      [04:55.61]是因为我受不了那些溜冰的孩子 ’cause it upsets me to see grown men on RoIIerbIades.
      [04:58.11]为什么这些人老爱穿那么紧身短裤呢? And why do those guys aIways have to wear the tight12 shorts?
      [05:00.55]噢 我的天哪 Oh, my God.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
