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时间:2015-05-25 22:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.18]好了 到底怎么了? 你是故意在墨菲面前炫耀 Yeah, what was that? Were you just trying to show off for Murph... [00:05.05]还是真的不想去西雅图? or do you reaIIy not want to go to SeattIe? [00:07.25]我只是觉
  •   [00:02.18]好了 到底怎么了? 你是故意在墨菲面前炫耀 Yeah, what was that? Were you just trying to show off for Murph...
      [00:05.05]还是真的不想去西雅图? or do you reaIIy not want to go to SeattIe?
      [00:07.25]我只是觉得西雅图不是个适合我写作的好地方 l just don’t think that SeattIe is the best pIace for me to write.
      [00:10.72]为什么? 有什么不一样的? Why? What’s the difference?
      [00:12.72]而且我觉得环境的变化可能会对你有好处 l mean, a change of IocaIe might do you a IittIe good.
      [00:16.99]这是什么逻辑?  What’s that supposed to mean?
      [00:18.61]我的意思是 就你来说 作为一个艺术家… l’m just saying, for you, as an artist...
      [00:22.50]这样的融合也许会是好事 it might be good to mix it up.
      [00:25.80]我是个纽约客 好吗? 我是写纽约的 l’m a New Yorker, aII right? l write about New York.
      [00:28.74]我住在这里 如果我不写纽约 我该写什么呢? lt’s where l Iive. lf l don’t write about New York, what am l gonna write about?
      [00:32.61]西雅图啊 写西雅图      哈 当然啦  Seattle. WrIte about Seattle.         Ah. Of course.
      [00:34.78]我敢肯定在西雅图也会有很多有趣的人 I’m sure there’s plenty of InterestInG people In Seattle.
      [00:37.41]那个很厉害的吉他手 吉米·汉德瑞克斯… The greatest guitar pIayer of aII time,Jimi Hendrix...
      [00:42.58]就是来自西雅图 was from SeattIe.
      [00:44.79]菲茨杰拉德的 FitzgeraId.
      [00:49.52]"从皇后大桥俯瞰这座城市… ’’The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge...
      [00:53.06]总会有前所未有的感觉… ’’is aIways the city seen for the filrst time...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
