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时间:2015-05-25 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:55.06]让人感受到无尽的神秘与美丽 in its filrst wiId promise of aII the mystery and the beauty in the worId. [00:59.03]你就从来不读读像《针眼世界》这种文章吗? You ever read anything Iike that about the Spa
  •   [00:55.06]让人感受到无尽的神秘与美丽" in its filrst wiId promise of aII the mystery and the beauty in the worId.’’
      [00:59.03]你就从来不读读像《针眼世界》这种文章吗? You ever read anything Iike that about the Space NeedIe?
      [01:02.04]我很肯定科特考倍恩 l’m pretty sure Kurt Cobain
      [01:05.42]有在他的歌词里写到过西雅图 wrote something as IyricaI about SeattIe.
      [01:07.58]嘿 别提科特考倍恩了 那首"少年" Hey, no knock on Kurt CobaIn, but ’’Smells LIke Teen SpIrIt’’
      [01:11.81]《了不起的盖茨比》换上一个字也没提它 lt’s got nothin’ on The Great Gatsby.
      [01:14.15]这是什么鸟歌? What the fuck song is that?
      [01:16.22]听着 那是大四的下半学期了 Look, It Was second semester, senIor year.
      [01:18.72]每个人都想最后再放纵一次 Everybody was Iookin’ for that Iast hookup.
      [01:20.72]再说 我那时才21岁 21岁! 你还是个…  Besides, l was 21 years oId. Twentyone! You’re stiII a boy
      [01:23.36]好了 我知道了 Okay, l get it.
      [01:24.39]但是她始终认为你跟那个女孩上了床 墨菲 But she stiII thinks you sIept with that girI, Murph.
      [01:28.30]听着 我承认 我们是同坐了一辆计程车回家 Look, l admit, we shared a cab home...
      [01:31.47]也有点暧昧 但我没跟她睡 we messed around a IittIe bit, but l did not sIeep with her.
      [01:34.17]我发誓 l swear to God.
      [01:36.17]好吧 可是都这么多年了 Okay, so why is it so important now,
      [01:38.48]你的道歉到底为什么这么重要? after aII these years, that you apoIogize?
      [01:40.24]首先 这是我戒酒会的一项任务 懂吗? WeII, filrst of aII, it’s part of my A.A. program, aII right?
      [01:43.01]第二点 也是很重要的一点… And secondIy, and more importantIy...

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