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时间:2015-05-25 22:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:45.01]她根本不给我机会解释 she didnt give me the opportunity to back then. [01:47.32]她不跟我说话 也不回我电话 She refused to taIk to me. She wouIdnt return any of my phone caIIs. [01:50.45]好吧 那这也不能怪她
  •   [01:45.01]她根本不给我机会解释 she didn’t give me the opportunity to back then.
      [01:47.32]她不跟我说话 也不回我电话 She refused to taIk to me. She wouIdn’t return any of my phone caIIs.
      [01:50.45]好吧 那这也不能怪她呀? 她那么信任你 Okay, weII, can you bIame her? She trusted you.
      [01:53.19]对 我知道 我没有怪她 No, l know. l don’t bIame her,
      [01:54.86]但这就是我现在想道歉的原因 but that’s why l want to apoIogize today.
      [01:57.99]就给我她的电话 让我打…  Look, give me her ceII phone. Let me caII
      [01:59.55]不 我不能这么干 墨菲 No, l can’t do that, Murph.
      [02:01.56]为什么 帕蒂? 我只是想说声对不起 Why not, Patti? l just wanna say l’m sorry.
      [02:05.20]好吧 好吧 我给你她电话      好的  Okay. Okay, l’II give you her number.         AII right.
      [02:09.60]言归正传 他们 呃…他们要价多少? Anyway, what are they, uh what are they askin’ for this pIace?
      [02:13.71]35 但是很明显你得再装修一下 Threefilve. But you’d obviousIy have to buiId it out.
      [02:17.51]那这里有几平米?      5  And what kind of square footage is it?         Five.
      [02:20.72]天哪      很大 Jesus.         Big.
      [02:23.05]这太奇怪了 我跟那个房地产商 You know, it’s weird2. l went out with that other reaI estate guy,
      [02:25.80]门罗 都找了6个月了 Monroe, for six months.
      [02:27.19]而他给我找的都是些像狗窝一样的地方 AII he showed me was dog shit.
      [02:29.29]可你带我看的第一个地方就这么棒 First pIace you take me to is phenomenaI.
      [02:32.06]我是说 这才算个公寓 能在这儿住  l mean, thIs is an apartment. l couId Iive here.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
