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时间:2015-05-25 22:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:34.42]对 这里很棒 Yeah, its great. [02:37.43]你猜怎么着? You know what? [02:40.17]我就要这儿了 就这么决定了 lm gonna take it. Lets just do it. [02:42.24]到哪儿还能找到这么样的好地方呢? l mean, am l e
  •   [02:34.42]对 这里很棒 Yeah, it’s great.
      [02:37.43]你猜怎么着? You know what?
      [02:40.17]我就要这儿了 就这么决定了 l’m gonna take it. Let’s just do it.
      [02:42.24]到哪儿还能找到这么样的好地方呢? l mean, am l ever gonna filnd a pIace this good?
      [02:45.31]不会吧 天哪 No. Oh, my God.
      [02:48.08]噢 我的天哪 谢谢你 Oh, my God. Thank you.
      [02:51.35]这地方太美了 This pIace is gorgeous3.
      [02:53.38]知道我会怎么弄吗? 我要在这儿放个乒乓桌 You know what l’m gonna do? l’m gonna put a tennis court right there.
      [03:42.86]我们没聊到你 我是说…      这…  Dude, your name didn’t come up. l mean         lt
      [03:46.57]很抱歉 不过 就是 没聊到 l’m sorry, but,just, you know, it didn’t come up.
      [03:49.04]完全没有? The entire time?
      [03:51.37]她是来带我看房子 卖我房子的 Look, she was there to show me apartments, seII me an apartment...
      [03:57.01]然后我们就开始谈到凯特了 好吗? and then we started taIkin’ about Kate, aII right?
      [03:59.61]我也不知道为什么没谈到你 l don’t know why you didn’t come up.
      [04:00.80]就是没聊到 知道吗? lt just didn’t come up, you know?
      [04:04.75]再说 我来这儿是为了凯特的事 像是… Besides, l’m here to ask your advice about Kate. l mean, Iike
      [04:08.56]噢…哦 你要建议 Oh Oh. You want advice.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      紫罗兰      
